Get the most out of your membership by becoming involved in a committee. Email us for more information.
All committees are led by a Chair and open to all AIA members for participation. Committee chairs provide assistance to committee members and provide feedback to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis.
We welcome and encourage the participation of AIA Maryland members to volunteer their time to work with any of these committees. Interested members may contact either the committee chair or the AIA Maryland office at [email protected] for further information.
Building and Facilities
Chair: OPEN
Manages and develops plans for maintenance and improvements to the state headquarters’ physical facilities.
Design Awards Program & Events
Chair: OPEN
Provides input on programs that recognize and promote design excellence, architects and architecture.
Historic Resources
Chair: Barton Ross, AIA, Barton Ross & Partners, LLC
Promoting the role of historic preservation in architecture.
Legislative Issues
Chair: Chris Parts, AIA, Hord Coplan Macht
Working in conjunction with AIAMD’s lobbyist, monitors and identifies public policy issues of importance to Maryland’s design and construction industry; develops positions and makes recommendations on legislative issues of interest and concern to the architectural profession; and lobbies appropriate legislative committees and administrative agencies.
Long Range Planning/Strategic Plan
Chair: Matthew J. Ormsby, AIA, Moseley Architects
Strategic planning for Chapter House improvements and Component finances.
Maryland Council of Design Professionals Liaisons
Chairs: John Corkill Jr., AIA, Corkill Cush Reeves Architects
Chris Parts, AIA, Hord Coplan Macht
Attends collaborative monthly meetings at the AIAMD Chapter House with representatives from the five design communities: Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architects, Surveyors and Interior Designers. Reports back to AIAMD Board.
Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) Liaisons
Chair: Dan Bailey, AIA, Penza Bailey Architects
Attends quarterly DGS meetings in Baltimore and reports back to the AIAMD Board.
Political Activities
Chair: OPEN
Develops and implements fundraising and educational activities relative to Maryland Architects PAC.
State Board of Architects Liaison
Chair: John Corkill Jr., AIA, Corkill Cush Reeves Architects
Attends monthly SBOA meetings in Baltimore and reports back to the AIAMD Board. Chair prepares summary report of SBOA activities for publication.
State and Local Government Network (SGN) Representative and Liaison
SGN Representative: Chris Parts, AIA, Hord Coplan Macht
The State Government Network (SGN) was established in 1991 to give state components resources and materials necessary to advocate effectively within state government and to encourage communication between components. Each AIA state component is permitted one official SGN representative and 3-4 alternates. SGN Representative attends SGN annual meeting.
Statewide Disaster Assistance
Chairs: Bo Green, AIA
Chris Parts, AIA, Hord Coplan Macht
Facilitates Safety-Assessment Program (SAP) training in the State and, works with State and Local Emergency Managers to coordinate volunteer building evaluators in post-disaster situations.
All committees are led by a Chair and open to all AIA members for participation. Committee chairs provide assistance to committee members and provide feedback to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis.
We welcome and encourage the participation of AIA Maryland members to volunteer their time to work with any of these committees. Interested members may contact either the committee chair or the AIA Maryland offices for further information.
We need you!
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi